Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enthusiastic Hack's Glossary of Musical Terms (Part 2)

Battle of the Bands – A parallel universe where every band is a heavy metal band

Working on a New Album – Fulfilling our contractual obligations

Made it onto the Cover of Beat Magazine – Paid $10,000 to be on the cover of Beat Magazine

Hottest 100 – The 100 most played songs on Triple J last year

A Truly Beautiful Human Being - Dead

Legend – Dead

Genius - Dead

Influential – Dead; or not very popular

Acoustic Versions – An excuse to release another album

Remixes – Ditto

Jazz – A peculiar style of music where musicians only play to other musicians

Rolling Stone – A music magazine which features movie stars on the cover and occasionally a musician

Rock Wiz – A less funny version of Spicks and Specks

Christian Rock – A form of torture decreed ‘inhumane’ by international law


Anonymous said...

Keep em coming! That was awesome! Is there going to be a part 3? I don't know where you get all these ideas

Enthusiastic Hack said...

Yeah. I'm currently working on Part 3. Here's a couple that didn't make the cut:

Noise TV – A showcase of the worst bands Melbourne has to offer

Asylum – A music program that makes Noise TV look good

Enthusiastic Hack said...

Only musos will probably appreciate these:

Classically Trained – Heavy metal guitarist

Catholic Upbringing – Heavy metal singer

Undiagnosed ADHD – Heavy metal drummer

Anonymous said...

Multi-Instrumentalist- Doesn't play any instrument well

Enthusiastic Hack said...

...and one that only people who work in record stores will appreciate:

The Beatles’ White Album – An LP that many people consider to be rare and valuable, even though it sold millions of copies and most households have one