I found the most wonderfully educational book this week. It’s called ‘From Rock to Rock: The Music of Darkness Exposed.’ It was written in 1990 by a Christian named Eric Barger, and it provides a detailed analysis of popular rock music, explaining how the Devil uses rock n roll to influence the kiddies.
It explains back-masking, subliminal messages, cross-dressing, and even AC-DCs ‘satanic lightning bolt,’ but the central feature of the book is what it calls the ‘Rock Music Rating System’ in which it outlines 10 criteria for judging whether a band is Satanic. It then lists hundreds of bands from A-Z, and next to their name identifies which of the criteria each artist fulfils.
And if you thought you knew which bands to be wary of, think again! According to the list, The Police (with 9 criteria) are more evil than Ozzy Osbourne (8), Duran Duran (7) are more evil than Megadeth (6), and even Bananarama (6) are more evil than Metallica (5)!!
Other artists on the list include: The Bee Gees (4), Fleetwood Mac (5), Neil Diamond (2), and Rod Stewart (3). In fact, speaking of Rod Stewart, it says ‘If you’re singing along with Rod, how can you be walking with God?’ [man, I wanna put that on a T-shirt]. And if Rod Stewart aint bad enough, the author considers Lionel Ritchie (3) especially evil, and gives this dire warning: ‘Christians should abstain from supporting his artistry with no questions asked.’
And apparently even pretend bands can be evil; Spinal Tap gets 3 gongs.
But there is only one band in the list that fulfills all 10 criteria, and yes, you guessed it, it’s The Rolling Stones. The most EVIL band in the world!
[I have a feeling I will be quoting from this book a lot]