Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ivory Tower Alert

Whoever said that Academics were out of touch with the real world? How could they possibly be when they are studying such relevant subjects as this:

Indian audience interpretations of health-related content in The Bold and the Beautiful 1

I did not make this up. I promise. White Aqua (my wife) found this on the postgraduate section of the La Trobe Uni website.


delia said...

Wow, that's actually something I've been really interested in for a long time..

Although, fashion-related content from the B and the B would be useful.

Aqua said...

Actually, it was not from the post grads at was in a journal accessed through the university's database. Having said that, they are peer reviewed academic journals so your point is still valid.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I wrote that study! What's your problem?