Friday, February 12, 2010

Debunking Melbourne Myths


Myth #1: Best Coffee
- If this is true I can't imagine how bad it is in other cities. Buying a coffee here is like buying a scratchie-ticket. Occasionally you do strike it rich but most of the time it's quite a disappointment. For me, finding a cafe that makes consistently great coffee is like finding an honest mechanic. You never go anywhere else. In fact, I would rather drive fifteen minutes out of my way to swing past my fave than take an unnecessary gamble.

Myth #2: Everybody wears black
- This was probably true a few years ago, but now when I'm in the city I don't notice much black anymore. It seems to have been replaced by FLURO! What's with that? And not just the girls, either. All the guys are wearing fluro, too. However, this phenomenon doesn't seem to be as as common in the suburbs; it appears to be more of a "metro" thing.

Myth #3: Terrible Public Transport
- What are you complaining about? I had to catch a train once and it wasn't so bad (would never do it again though. Hell no!)

Myth #4: Live Music
- Not anymore, thank you very much Mr. Brumby. Okay, but let's be honest, though; It's not all Brumby's fault. This is really a myth born out of the late 70s/early 80s when ACDC, Midnight Oil and just about every other legendary Australian band you can think of were playing down at the local pub. These days, all that remains of that myth is the name of a laneway and an incompetent Environment Minister.

Myth #5: We've got Trams!
- What is it with the trams? Seriously, though. Enough with the trams. It seems that whenever people mention Melbourne they invariably talk about trams. Trams, trams, trams. When I was a kid I used to hear people talking about Melbourne trams all the time and I figured we must be the only place in the world that had them. But then when I was a bit older and traveled to other places I realised this strange thing: EVERYONE ELSE HAS TRAMS TOO!!!


1 comment:

Aqua said...

I'm with you on the Trams....almost every city I've been to has trams. Beats me why they are supposedly Melbourne's big claim to fame.