Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cover Versions (Part 3)

OK.I think I’ve just found the WORST cover version of all time. Celine Dion singing ACDC. You should read the comments on YouTube for this video. Hilarious. I am surprised no-one has put out a contract on her.


Enthusiastic Hack said...

If you can stomach more than a few seconds of this, check out the shots of the crowd. Funny as.

Enthusiastic Hack said...

How does this get a four-star rating?

delia said...

Four stars for people's love for watching painful things - how else do you explain "Australia's Funniest Home Videos"???

I'm slightly impressed by the height of the heels and the jumping around on one foot... actually, crowd shots in mind, this looks like something Hillsong would've produced...

BaSiL said...

i couldn't stomach more than a few seconds, so didnt get to the crowd scenes. Would have gouged my ears out if i'd listened to any more.