In case you haven't been paying attention to Comrade Kingsmille's People's Radio(more commonly known as Triple J) lately, they are currently compiling a Hottest 100 of ALL TIME! (by 'all time' I suppose they mean all the way back to Spiderbait's first album - I mean, I don't think the GenY listeners have heard of those crappy old-fogie-bands like Cream or The Doors that *shudder* baby-boomers were into).
So anyway, it has got me thinking about what would make my list of Top 10 favourite songs of all time.
I hope to post my Top 10 list in the next blog, but I am not sure exactly what approach to take with my selection. I mean, what do I want this list to say about me? There are several obvious approaches I could take:
1. The "I'm too cool for school" approach:
This is where I choose the most obscure b-sides and out-takes from underground 80s European punk bands that nobody's ever heard of.
2. The "Proud to be Australian" approach:
This is where I choose only Aussie tracks. Obviously ACDC would be in there, but because it's Triple J, I would have to include Hilltop Hoods, The Herd, Muph and Plutonic, and whatever other Aussie hip-hop acts exist (plus Spiderbait of course)
3. The "I'm a bedroom-guitarist" approach:
This list should include Stairway to heaven, Knights of Sydonia by Muse, Estranged by Guns n Roses, One by Metallica, Unforgiven by Metallica, Master of Puppets by Metallica, Enter Sandman by Metallica, Fade to black by Metallica, Nothing else matters by Metallica, Eruption by Eddie Van Halen, and anything by Dreamtheatre.
4. The "No, really, I am way too cool for school" approach:
This is where I don't even compile a list. I just write a sarcastic twitter-post about how much I hate Triple J, as well as how much I hate pretty much everything.
5. The "At least Triple J will actually accept my entry" approach:
This is a strategic approach where I choose one random Muse song, one from White Stripes, Smells like teen spirit, plus seven Radiohead songs. As opposed to the previous lists which Triple J will no doubt ignore, this one will be sure to be actually included in the voting tally.
Hmmm. What should I choose?
Do the 3 lists anyway and post 'em, it'll be a crack up.
I used to play all those Metallica songs *chuckles* on my guitar
I'm thinking of emailing Triple J and suggesting that rather that have listeners submit 10 songs, they should let them submit 12 songs. This is because there are 12 tracks on OK Computer, and how will fans know which 10 to pick.
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