Sunday, August 24, 2008

Side Project Idea - The Luddites

Latest band name idea for my musical side-project: The Luddites. Our first album will be only available on cassette and 8-track.

However, Jeed (that's his anonymous name, of course, er I mean, his or her anonymous name) informed me that whilst slightly humorous, my Luddite reference is categorically incorrect because the Luddites oppose the use of any technology that is more complex than a lever, and therefore would not condone the use of cassettes or 8-tracks (I asked, what about 78rpm gramaphone records; he said no.)

[Side note: Maybe Jeed is too obvious for an alias as it is merely this person's name backwards? Perhaps I should make it something else?]


Anonymous said...

Dan /i'm into it.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I totally need a new anonymous name. "Jeed" just sucks.

Enthusiastic Hack said...

What's wrong with Jeed?